Welcome to Hunter's Run Conservancy District
Welcome to Hunter's Run Conservancy District
Hunter's Run Conservancy District was incorporated in 1952 as a political subdivision under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 6101. The District was created in response to numerous years of flooding in the Hunter's Run and Upper Hocking Watershed, with the last flood occurring in 1948.
Construction of all the dams was completed by 1961. The District originally consisted of eight flood control dams and twenty-two sediment control structures. Two of those sediment control structures have been removed from the District's operation.
The Hunter's Run dams control fifty-percent of the runoff that flows through Lancaster within the Upper Hocking Watershed. See the map below for the location of the various structures. The watershed extends from the confluence of Hunter's Run and the Hocking River near Cenci Park in an area bounded by State Route 158 north to Dumontville and west on US 22 to Delmont Rd, then north in an area bounded by Rock Mill Rd and Amanda Northern Rd.
In addition to the farms, homes and businesses in the flood plain, numerous bridges and several miles of roadway are protected by these structures.

The Fairfield County Common Pleas Court established the Hunter’s Run Conservancy District (HRCD) in March 1952. The primary purpose for forming the HRCD was to act as the local sponsor to implement the Work Plan prepared by the U.S Department of Agriculture – Soil Conservation Service (SCS) for the 49 square mile Hunter’s Run and Upper Hocking watershed located in Fairfield County. The May 1954 Work Plan as amended called for the construction of eight flood control structures and twenty-two sedimentation control structures, to:
• Reduce and retain potential flood waters
• Reduce soil erosion and sediment transport
• Improve local economic conditions
The twenty-eight structures, currently owned and operated by HRCD, were completed between 1954 and 1960. It should be noted that HRCD owns only the dam structure and does not own the land upon which they are built. The District holds easements for the normal pool of water and the elevation of the flood pool. The only exception would be the land surrounding Dam No.4 on Stonewall Cemetery Road that is owned by the District.
History of Hunter's Run Conservancy District Presentation
The current system of twenty-eight dams constructed by the SCS (Now USDA-NRCS), all of which are operated and maintained by the HRCD, provide a number of benefits to property owners in the watershed and to residents of Fairfield County. The primary benefit is that they control the runoff from a large portion of the Hunter’s Run and Upper Hocking River Watershed (31,418 acres) and in doing so reduce the magnitude and frequency of flooding to property and infrastructure. This in turn reduces the inconvenience of road closings, damaged roads and bridges, emergency response to flooded homes and business and clean-up costs. It also reduces the cost to local governments to replace and enlarge bridges.
The reservoirs and sediment control structures, control erosion and reduce the cost of expensive sand bar removal and dredging downstream.
Local residents can also enjoy fishing and some limited hunting at the State owned Rock Mill Wildlife Area (HRCD Dam No.9) and Greenfield Lake (HRCD Dam R-63). The District also allows fishing and bow hunting by permit at District owned Dam No. 4 located on Stonewall Cemetery Road. All of these public areas are patrolled by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.

From the Ridge to the River
From the Ridge to the River
Check out this fantastic video which reenacts the history behind the watershed project. Proper names and locations have been changed for purposes of reenactment. But you will love the historical scenes of Downtown Lancaster and Rising Park!
The HRCD Board is dedicated to overseeing the repair, maintenance, rehabilitation and revitalization of the 28 structures that make up the Hunter's Run Conservancy District. It is dedicated to working with state, local, and federal governments and agencies, as well as landowners and business operators, to ensure that the structures, and the land on which they are built, are maintained to the appropriate standards and specifications for longevity and the safety of our surrounding communities!
The HRCD Board is dedicated to overseeing the repair, maintenance, rehabilitation and revitalization of the 28 structures that make up the Hunter's Run Conservancy District. It is dedicated to working with state, local, and federal governments and agencies, as well as landowners and business operators, to ensure that the structures, and the land on which they are built, are maintained to the appropriate standards and specifications for longevity and the safety of our surrounding communities!